Lists connected and available devices (only devices which have USB-Debugging enabled) adb devices If you want to view the help and a complete list of adb commands of the version you're using, just type the following command and hit return: adb help Show connected devices In the following list you find some important commands, which you may need more often when working with the adb.
The main advantage is to execute commands on the phone directly out of the computer, without any direct user interaction to the phone, which makes especially debugging a lot easier.Īpart from the possibility to connect a phone for using ADB using the usb cable (which was, for a long time, the only possible way), there's also the possibility to connect to the ADB daemon on the device using a tcp connection, which also includes the WiFi network. There's no official graphical user interface for now. The ADB can be used through a command line windows, terminal/shell in Linux-based systems, a command line (cmd) for Windows. This includes the possibility to transfer files from one component to the other one, as well as executing commands from the computer on the connected device.
The Android Debug Bridge is a software interface between the device and the local computer, which allows the direct communication of both components.
The download link is provided on the Android-Developer website. The user now does not need to download the complete SDK just for the ADB and/or fastboot anymore. Since January 2017, Google also provides the package in a separate, unbundled downloadable package with all other platform-tools, in which also the ADB and fastboot is included. In previous versions of the SDK it was located in the subdirectory tools. The tool is part of the Android SDK (Android Software Development Kit) and is located in the subdirectory platform-tools. It can be used to execute commands on the phone or transfer data between the device and the computer. The Android- Debug- Bridge (abbreviated as adb) is a software-interface for the android system, which can be used to connect an android device with a computer using an USB cable or a wireless connection.